Cause and effect: a little information.

Birmingham has been known by nearly 150 permutations of the name we now recognize as that of England's second city.  "Brummagem" is likely the most popular and still occasionally in use today, but its shortened version--"Brum"--is by far more common.

The Birmingham riots began in the wake of the London riots, which began in one of its suburbs after a marching protest of the death of Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old shot dead by police attempting to arrest him.  The riots remained in London for two days before spreading to Birmingham and then to other cities.  While emotion--specifically anger over the shooting death--fueled the beginning of the riots in London, the Birmingham riots seemed largely a copycat excuse to loot, apparently devoid of emotion other than an angsty thirst for excitement and an anger towards society, police and life in general.

Whatever the reasons for those individuals involved in the Brum riots, the emotions manifested themselves largely in the destruction of other people's property--the breaking of windows, the looting of stores, the torching of vehicles, trash bins and some businesses, and the general damaging of much of what lie in the path of the rioters, whose chosen "uniform" was black hoodies.  Occasionally, however, there were greater shows of anger as in street fights, at least one incident of shooting at police, and the murder of three young men purposefully struck by a car while attempting to guard their property.

After the murders, there was much talk and expectation of a race riot ensuing on the third night due to the rioter(s) who had hit the three men being black and the victims being Pakistani.  For whatever reason, the riots in Birmingham ended before such a clash began.  There was a little activity that night but not much.  Most of the credit is given to the father of one of the murdered men who'd pleaded for peace.  Another factor might've been the fact that the police had been given greater power in their attempts to stop the riots.

But, for whatever reason, they stopped.  During the riots, however, I began this blog on the suggestion of a friend.  I've continued to post pictures, videos and stories since then but this, like the riots, will end.  Soon.  I've returned home from Birmingham now--its hard, grey face full of vigor and ragged-tooth charm still appearing before me occasionally wherever I go.  As it always will.